The Company
Established in 2008, Wicked Costumes is a proudly independent family-run business based in Scotland, U.K.
Welcome to our website, where you’ll find hundreds of top-selling lines at the right price point and sure to sell. Our products feature fabulous images and eye-catching packaging.
Stay updated on new products, the latest arrivals, and clearance lines on our website. We constantly update it with relevant information to keep you informed. We’ll also print fliers for key seasons like Halloween, Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick’s Day, and Book Week.
Our website is the most convenient way to place orders. You can place orders anytime, day or night, especially useful during peak season! Order processing is also faster, as it’s automated and error-free. Your order can be picked from our warehouse within minutes.
If you’re new to our website or have any questions, please call our Sales Office at +44 (0) 1294 273118. Our friendly and efficient sales team will be happy to assist you. We’ll also keep you updated with daily stock reports and offers via email.
At Wicked Costumes, we strive to provide top-selling, innovative, and value-for-money products. We make the buying process as simple as possible, from start to finish. Our team consists of friendly, super-efficient sales representatives, a straightforward website, and our vastly experienced, super-fast warehouse team, who pride themselves on error-free picking and utmost care during packing.
We’re grateful for your continued support in bringing our products to the market. We’re excited about the future and look forward to providing you with more top-selling products. At Wicked, we’re always committed to improving all aspects of our business and appreciate any feedback or suggestions that can enhance your experience.
Please follow us on Social Media!
Facebook: wickedcostumes1
Twitter: @WickedCostumes1
Instagram: @wickedcostumes1